transmitted by words,
signals, or other means
from one person, station,
or group to another.
2. The substance of such
a communication; the
point or points conveyed.

What's your message?
For many of us, a 'message' is the kind of thing we leave on an answering machine. But whether you're writing a letter, drawing up an agreement, developing marketing literature, creating a website, or providing any kind of communication, what you produce conveys a message for those destined to receive it: one that might be meant to inform, or persuade, or entertain, or any combination of these and other purposes.
How do you convey that message in another language? What you say in one language
can't always be said just the same in another. In a translation,
maybe some things will need more explanation, or some 'well-known' examples changed
for the new audience who don't know them. Maybe the original was meant to sell a
product, while the translation is just meant to inform shareholders about it. Maybe
kilometres will need changing to miles. Maybe the message has humour in it that
doesn't work in the other language, so needs more than just translation.
You might not want to mull over questions like those, but your translator should. What's more, a professional translator should be scrupulously accurate, grammatical, work reliably to deadlines, use terminology with precision and provide the highest quality of service and results.